Simple But Powerful.
Use your unique stickers, filters and other tools to create and share awesome pictures!
Once you install the app , you can get following stickers.
You can add those stickers into WhatsApp.
And you can share your fav stickers to your friends in facebook messenger, whatsapp , LINE , wechat.
Want to show your sticker here? Tell us at Facebook Group
- Sample Sticker link1 - Create sticker from your album or camera. - Background removal - Add filter to sticker - Add Text to sticker - And more sticker editing tools
- Create photo from your album or camera. - Add your own sticker to photo - Add filter to photo - Add Text to photo - And more photo editing tools
StickerFactory服務條款 Terms and Conditions for StickerFactory Service 1. 用戶對StickerFactory服務的使用受以下條款所限制。透過實際使用服務,用戶理解並同意StickerFactory視用戶自使用服務時起接受本條款。 Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions before using the Service of StickerFactory, by using StickerFactory and the Services, you are deemed to have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. 2. 除非用戶獲得StickerFactory的特別允許,否則用戶承諾不以任何目的再製作、複製、出售、交易或轉售服務或其內容。 You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion or use of, or access to, the StickerFactory Services and content. 3. 用戶同意獨自就用戶違反用戶在本條款之下的義務以及任何該等違反的後果(包括StickerFactory遭受的任何損失或損害)承擔責任(StickerFactory不對用戶或任何第三方承擔責任)。 User agrees that user is solely responsible for any content while using the service and for the consequences of user’s actions, especially for the legal consequences as a result of providing legal opinions. StickerFactory has no responsibility to user or to any third party. 4. 用戶明白及同意,用戶有責任將其帳戶相關的密碼保密。就此,用戶同意將獨自就在用戶帳戶下的所有活動對StickerFactory負責。 User understands and agrees that User is responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of passwords associated with any account you use to access the Service. Accordingly, User agrees that User will be solely responsible to StickerFactory for all activities that occur under User\'s accounts. 5. 用戶理解:透過使用服務,用戶可能會接觸到用戶覺得冒犯的、粗鄙的、令人反感的、甚至具誹謗性的內容,用戶使用服務時與此相關的風險由用戶自行承擔。StickerFactory不對該用戶或任何第三方承擔任何責任。 You understand that by using the StickerFactory Services, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. Under no circumstances StickerFactory will be liable in any way for any content via the StickerFactory Services. 6. 用戶同意獨自就用戶在使用服務時創作、傳送或展示的任何內容以及用戶做出該等行為的後果承擔責任,並對StickerFactory可能遭受的任何損失或損害作出彌償。 You agree to indemnify and hold StickerFactory harmless from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of Content you submit, post, transmit, modify or otherwise make available through the StickerFactory Services. 7. 若引起任何責任及法律問題,將由有關圖片上傳者負責,StickerFactory一概不負任何責任。 User understands and agrees that StickerFactory shall not be liable to user for any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages which may be incurred by User however caused and under any theory of liability. 8. StickerFactory對服務擁有一切法定權利、所有權和利益(包括存在於服務中的任何知識產權)。除非用戶與StickerFactory另有書面協議,否則用戶不可使用StickerFactory任何商號、商標、服務標記、標識、域名及其他顯著品牌特徵的權利。 You acknowledge and agree that StickerFactory Service is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. You further acknowledge and agree that Content presented to you through the StickerFactory Service is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly permitted by applicable law or as authorized by StickerFactory, you agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, transmit, broadcast, publicly perform or create derivative works based on the StickerFactory Services. 9. StickerFactory保留預先審查之權利,並拒絕或移除任何內容,包括但不限於任何違反本條款或在其他方面令人反感或厭惡的內容。用戶於使用StickerFactory的服務時,明示理解並同意,StickerFactory不就用戶可能產生的任何損失或損害,包括但不限於由下列原因導致的損失或損害對用戶承擔責任:用戶對任何廣告的完整性、準確性或其存在的信任,或作為用戶與其廣告出現在服務中的任何廣告商或贊助人之間的任何關係或交易的結果; You acknowledge that StickerFactory may or may not pre-screen Content, but that StickerFactory and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse, or remove any Content that is available via the StickerFactory Services. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such Content. 10. StickerFactory可不時對本條款作出變更而不予另行通知。如果用戶在本條款變更之後使用服務,StickerFactory將把用戶的使用,視為接受更新後的條款。 Terms and Conditions may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. You understand and agree that if you use the Services after the date on which the Terms and Conditions have changed, StickerFactory will treat your use as acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions. 11. 本條款及本條款之下用戶與StickerFactory的關係,受法律管轄。香港特別行政區法院具專屬管轄權,以解決任何由本條款引起的法律事項。儘管有上述規定,用戶同意StickerFactory仍被允許在上述管轄區外,申請緊急禁制令以阻止用戶違反本條款。 These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People\'s Republic of China. You agree that StickerFactory shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
We accept Standard Whatsapp Sticker Json Format
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